Overcoming the financial risks in trading overseas — Talking Heads

Dollar sign light

Open to Export Webinar on Thursday 12 April 14:00 - 15:00

Exporting represents a fantastic opportunity for British SMEs to grow their sales and reach new customers. It can, however, be financially challenging at first, with less control of stock, the potential impact of currency fluctuations and the ability to collect debts more stretched. 

In this one hour session, Bibby Financial Services will offer solutions and tips to ensure you can manage and overcome the  financial impact of starting out overseas. The session will cover:

  • The financial risks exporters face

  • What we look for in contracts

  • What are a good set of Terms & Conditions

  • What do we look for when lending

  • The importance of incoterms

  • How a good financier can help you overcome the exporter risks

Open to Export webinars are powered by the Institute of Export & International Trade – the UK’s only professional body representing international trade.

Catch up with all of their webinars at opentoexport.com/webinars

For all of your export translation requirements, get in touch. 


Taking Your Ecommerce Business Overseas


Why translating a fashion brand's tone of voice is vital. — Talking Heads